Facing Summer Learning Loss: The Interview as an Educational Strategy within the Relationship among School and Community Partners
Assessment interview, Learning loss, Heuristic curriculum, Evaluation of educational interventions, Territorial educational pactsAbstract
This contribution intends to explore the use of the interview-conversation as a tool within a project designed to combat summer learning loss. The project, “Arcipelago Educativo Estate,” was coordinated on a national level by Save the Children and structured in a 12-week training program involving more than 500 children and teenagers from 11 Italian cities over the summer of 2021. The goal of the research is to exemplify the dual function of the interview-conversation; didactical as a learning support for the program participants and evaluative as an instrument to analyze the learning achieved by the participants. This qualitative study involved the conducting 112 interview-conversations, 56 with female participants and 56 with male participants, between June and October of 2021. The data collected was subsequently subjected to thematic analysis. The results reveal the didactic versatility of the interview-conversation both as a tool for the assessment of learning and as a means to support the self-assessments made by the participants. The learnings most often perceived by the participants concern the sphere of social and relational skills and the sense of self-efficacy.
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