Italian teachers and burnout


  • Luisa Vianello Pensa MultiMedia Editore


The research has as its object the study of teachers’ burnout. In particular, has been planned an in-depth study of the syndrome in Italy. The research took place in 2014 through an online questionnaire that included 5 thematic areas: background data for collecting teachers personal and school information; Copenhagen Burnout Inventory; Self-Efficacy; School-Level Environment; open questions on the perception of discomfort in the management of the class, colleagues, parents, administration and further proposals to improve their work. There was a response rate of 68% on 1541 submissions. From the collected data, regarding burnout, it emerged that 42% of the sample has a level 0 of burnout, ie a low score, while 31% has a level 3, with a high score in all 3 investigated areas (personal, work, users).



How to Cite

Vianello, L. (2019). Italian teachers and burnout. Formazione & Insegnamento, 17(1 Suppl.), 201–206. Retrieved from