Educational choices, rule of law, and social equity


  • Maria Tomarchio


What are the main obstacles/challenges facing the civil society today? What
characterizes an education for an active democratic citizenship, which is
now defined by multiple differences? Educational sciences play a pivotal
role in identifying guidelines and in making critical proposals to analyze potential
patterns of democratic cooperation as well as to encourage the development
of critical thinking. In effect, a poor education may lead to establish
a mindset characterized by individualism, cult of personality, familyism,
abuse of power, and criticism or indifference towards politics and social
problems. Hence, what are the main quality school indicators that can be
promote active participation in social life? How schools can create and nurture
a learning environment that empower individuals to broaden their
horizons and to critically approach the reality?



How to Cite

Tomarchio, M. (2017). Educational choices, rule of law, and social equity. Formazione & Insegnamento, 15(2 Suppl.), 13–26. Retrieved from