Antonio Gramsci as a forerunner of critical-radical pedagogy


  • Rita Minello


This contribution analyses Antonio Gramsci’s educational thinking under
the light of the latest concerns in the fields of critical and radical pedagogy.
Through which means is it possible to integrate critical pedagogy and radical
pedagogy? What are the philosophical roots that link together these two
branches of educational studies? By answering these questions, I will show
that Gramsci’s philosophy of praxis constitutes a precursor of the more recently
developed synergy between said research lines. Gramsci envisioned and explored educational concepts in a novel way. This paper contains an analysis of the following Gramscian topics: his critical perspective on subjectivity, the need to consider the anthropologic aspect of educational events, the idea of lifelong learning, and the identification of new social environments in which ongoing learning takes place.



How to Cite

Minello, R. (2014). Antonio Gramsci as a forerunner of critical-radical pedagogy. Formazione & Insegnamento, 12(4), 67–80. Retrieved from