Online First: How it Works

Regarding the "Online First" section, the Editorial Team invites Authors, Readers, and Reviewers to consider the following:

[1] Articles published in this section are fully published and, as such, can be cited using the article number in place of pagination. The reference volume corresponds to the year of publication. Therefore, the standard APA7 citation for online first articles in 2024 is as follows:

"Last Name, N. (2024). Title of the Article: Subtitle. Formazione & insegnamento, 22, 1234. Retrieved from"

(replace 1234 with your article number). This citation format is also available in the header next to the article's mirror page.

[2] The section enjoys full visibility and, as such, is subject to harvesting by search engines.

[3] HTML galleys are "well-formed" in that the HTML galley meets the standard requirements for online publication (and the mirror page hosts tags and metatags as scripted). The standard grey background and stylesheet are those of the PKP OJS system (and, as such, are also featured in top-tier journals). Once a critical mass of articles necessary for forming an issue is reached, the typesetting of the PDF galley occurs, which adds polish and graphic design to the material already available "online first". During the PDF typesetting and collation, pagination is assigned. The DOI code can be attributed at any point between the HTML publication and the finalization of the PDF galley (timing is subject to the availability of pre-purchased codes or the process of generating new codes). After the DOI code is assigned, the article is usually indexed by DOAJ, which further enhances distribution (at this point, the text reaches major libraries).

[4] An XML galley may also be made available for articles. In earnest, XML galleys are not designed for human consumption and are viewable thanks to a PKP OJS plugin called eLife Lens, which is perhaps even more basic and bare than the HTML. Nevertheless, XMLs are crucial because they integrate the full text of the article with a system of "tags" (JATS XML) that instruct harvesters and their crawlers in identifying the correct components of the paper. The PKP OJS system we have been using for years already has a repertoire of JATS XML, but the publication of the full text in XML has been requested by some indexes with which we will start collaborating from 2025. This also includes the re-publication of the 2023 issues in XML.

The Editorial Team would like to thank the Authors for their understanding and support received so far in introducing these innovations to the editorial process aimed at increasing the speed of publications and their distribution.