Scholastic integration of adopted minors in Veneto An agreement policy for integrated support


  • Francesca Lucato
  • Elena Zambianchi


School represents a significant context for the adopted child, because it could play a relevant role for his harmonious growth. However, a good reception and integration of the adopted children into the school cannot be separated from the development of specific skills on behalf of the educational staff concerned with such an issue. In order to support the development of those skills, protocols and agreements set between institutions at various levels of governance are regarded as effective tools and methodologies, because they foster good practices for a better integration of adopted children. This paper presents the case of Veneto’s Adoption System.



How to Cite

Lucato, F., & Zambianchi, E. (2014). Scholastic integration of adopted minors in Veneto An agreement policy for integrated support. Formazione & Insegnamento, 9(3), 241–250. Retrieved from

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