Towards an amelioration of the educational relation’s quality, obtained thanks to capability approach when applied to the issue of disability. “Inclusive school” experiences in the Turin area


  • Paola Damiani
  • Alessia Farinella


This article proposes a reflection on the relationship between the capability approach and disability, with the aim to promote reflection on the possible implications in the field of education and schooling. This ratio is still largely unexplored; however, some recent contributions to the literature offer attractive incentives to
rethink everyday inclusive practices. In particular, the text presents a case of action-research on the use of the ICF in schools in the Turin area. Possible connections are shown between the Capability Approach and ICF—in its concrete implementation by teachers. Obtained results of this experience are encouraging and it is therefore suggested to pursue this research path and thus keep considering the capability approach as a core reference for the current debate on inclusion.



How to Cite

Damiani, P., & Farinella, A. (2013). Towards an amelioration of the educational relation’s quality, obtained thanks to capability approach when applied to the issue of disability. “Inclusive school” experiences in the Turin area. Formazione & Insegnamento, 11(1 Suppl.), 77–84. Retrieved from