Homeschooling: A Multiple Case Analysis
Homeschooling, State school, Parental school, Alternative education, FamiliesAbstract
Homeschooling practices in Italy are constantly increasing, which raises various questions for schools and research. The contribution presents empirical research (multiple case analysis) on seven parental realities in the Province of Vicenza, with the aim of understanding the phenomenon from an educational point of view. The data return parental realities characterised by different pedagogical approaches that influence all the educational dimensions, making it possible to outline an initial profile of the phenomenon in the research context. Some of the elements that emerged are families' attention to their children's education, new educational needs, the advantages and disadvantages of each educational model, and the need to establish a dialogue between educational agencies. Many of the topics discussed call for new research paths capable of supporting project thinking on a widespread educational model capable of responding to the needs of today's society.
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