New paradigms of the “mediasphere”: From the anthropological and educational impact to the specificity of digital text


  • Valentina Fonte


In order to cope with the great changes produced by digital culture a critical investigation is required on the impact and link between technology and new cognitive modes. This matter encompasses dimensions which are related to learning, emotional and axiological elements, and even change in language and in textual ecology. Hence, the goal for the pedagogist (and the educator) is that of understanding this new landscape, by keeping a firm anthropological standpoint, thus rethinking the educational dimension as satisfying the necessity of guidance in the use of media. Given that no means is “just a means” (Anders, 2003), i.e. neutral in regard to human beings, the capability of educating somebody is reinterpreted as an intelligent way to reflexively manage the capabilities and limits of technological culture.
Therefore artificial knowledge is involved, thus promoting the autonomy of thought and new forms of responsibility, consciousness and creativity



How to Cite

Fonte, V. (2013). New paradigms of the “mediasphere”: From the anthropological and educational impact to the specificity of digital text. Formazione & Insegnamento, 11(1 Suppl.), 157–166. Retrieved from