Synthesis, archive, traces, thinking, participation, equating, recognition. Significations, in time and eternal, for didactics. Experiment


  • Giuseppe Marchiori


The paper aspires to give a meaning for some didactic words. The inquiry
has been developed in reference to three guidelines: describing, explaining,
experimenting. They correspond to the three paragraphs. The first proposes
and connects seven semantic areas: synthesis, archive, traces, thinking,
participation, equating and recognition. The second relates four areas:
significance, time, eternity and didactics. The third illustrates and unites
seven areas: things, traditions, reading, writing, calculation, designing and



How to Cite

Marchiori, G. (2018). Synthesis, archive, traces, thinking, participation, equating, recognition. Significations, in time and eternal, for didactics. Experiment. Formazione & Insegnamento, 16(2 Suppl.), 111–118. Retrieved from

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