Educational contexts and support for emotional aspects in the workplace: a qualitative investigation of the role of social-emotional skills in professional practice


  • Irene Stanzione Dipartimento di Psicologia dei processi di sviluppo e socializzazione; Sapienza Università di Roma; Italia;



competenze socio-emotive, professioni educative, contesto di lavoro, intelligenza emotiva, supporto organizzativo


The paper addresses the issue of social-emotional skills in educational work and shows the results of a qualitative survey involving more than 60 educational professionals. The study intends to determine the training needs and the possibility of transformation of emotional aspects into professional competence; finally, we dwell on the role of strategic tools deployed by work contexts to support and sustain educational professionals. We conducted a reflexive thematic analysis (Braun & Clark, 2006) on the transcripts, which led to the identification of ten themes with related codes; the themes concern both aspects related to the personal and social domains of social-emotional competence and the fundamental role of the organization in supporting the emotional aspects of the working people through specific strategies, such as pedagogical supervision.


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How to Cite

Stanzione, I. (2023). Educational contexts and support for emotional aspects in the workplace: a qualitative investigation of the role of social-emotional skills in professional practice . ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (31), 025–037.



