Perception of Soft Skills. Adaptation and Try-out of the 3SQ - Soft Skill Self-evaluation Questionnaire for Lower Secondary School Students
soft skill, lower secondary school, Self-evaluation, StudentsAbstract
This paper presents the tryout of the self-perception questionnaire of soft skills, administered to third year students of lower secondary school, in eight Comprehensive Institutes in Rome. The tool based on which the questionnaire was made for thirteen-year-old students is the 3SQ - Soft Skill Self-evaluation Questionnaire, used by the Teens’Voice 2018 survey, aimed at students leaving high secondary school. The ten soft skill scales provided by the 3SQ have been maintained. The items were revised before being tested on the field. The analysis of the data highlights significant differences in the self-perception of students’ soft skills with respect to background variables such as: gender, school performance, the pleasure linked to going to school and differences between schools. The self-perception of soft skills by students is, first of all, a reason for reflection on their skills, as a moment of discussion and development on personal and social characteristics that are decisive and can be spent in different life situations.
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