Training Perspective Questionnaire (TPQ): the development process of a self-assessment tool of trainers’ and consultants’ perspectives


  • Daniela Frison
  • Concetta Tino



training perspective, adult learning, continuing education, consultancy, professional development


The paper is part of a wider mixed-methods research project aimed at setting up a questionnaire useful for investigating organizational trainers’ and consultants’ training perspectives. After an introductory description of the first qualitative phase, the paper focuses on the subsequent quantitative phase, which involved the administration of a Training Perspective Questionnaire (TPQ). The tool consists of 75 items elaborated on the basis of the theoretical frameworks and the results of the semi-structured interviews conducted during the first part of the research. The questionnaire was administrated with the collaboration of Italian training agencies and professional associations and reached 83 respondents. First findings are related to the qualitative structure of the questionnaire. Furthermore, first reflections on the ongoing ad- ministration of the tool are presented.


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How to Cite

Frison, D., & Tino, C. (2021). Training Perspective Questionnaire (TPQ): the development process of a self-assessment tool of trainers’ and consultants’ perspectives. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (27), 065–076.




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