Creative Life-Orientation in a Paradigm of Personality’s Health and Positive Existence


  • Andreyanna Ivanchenko Pensa MultiMedia Editore


In the present work the conception of personal creative life-orientation is
presented. Within the limits of the given conception, it is proved that creative
life-orientation, firstly, results in improved quality of life expressed by positive figures in health-keeping parameters and, secondly, it has a dualistic nature which reveals it both as a condition and as a result of the construction of an existential algorithm.
The new terminological Russian-English pair “creative life-orientation = креативность” is used to appropriately differentiate terms that would otherwise
share the same denotation in Russian: “творчество” and “креативность”.
In the field context of language traning, it is shown that the deployment of
creative life-orientation is accompanied by its positive influence on the psycho-
soma-physiological wellbeing and on the efficiency of a person’s life




Come citare

Ivanchenko, A. (2013). Creative Life-Orientation in a Paradigm of Personality’s Health and Positive Existence. Formazione & Insegnamento, 11(3), 43–58. Recuperato da