Romanian secondary school students, parents and teachers. Intergenerational relationship and lifelong learning society


  • Valeriu Frunzaru Pensa MultiMedia Editore


There is little known in Romania about the role played by parents, teachers and form masters on the secondary school students’ attitudes towards school, level of grades and the intention to enroll in a higher education system.
In order to find out the impact of parents and teachers on the
teenagers’ integration into the lifelong learning society, I conducted, together with my colleagues1, a national survey on Romanian secondary school students (n=2624) in 2011. The survey findings underline the importance of communication between teenagers, parents, teachers and form masters. Teenagers need united and supporting families and also teachers who are open to discuss their issues. Parents and teachers have to transmit the importance of school and not of the materialistic values, fact that can help secondary school students to be happier and integrated into society.




Cómo citar

Frunzaru, V. (2014). Romanian secondary school students, parents and teachers. Intergenerational relationship and lifelong learning society. Formazione & Insegnamento, 12(2), 61–72. Recuperado a partir de