The heritage of tradition and memory as a way to discover and promote aggregation between different generations: Autobiographical sources


  • Silvia Nanni Università degli Studi Roma Tre



Storytelling, Autobiography, Bildung, Memory, Identity


This paper aims to provide the reader with a reflective path, whose purpose is that of rediscovering, understanding and enhancing the experiences of the past in order to help us deal more conscientiously with the peculiarities of “liquid society.” For this reason autobiographical narrative seems a viable instrument that provides authors—and readers as well—with a sense of empowerment, thus giving them back the value of onÈs own uniqueness and of somebody else’s existence, especially in the so-called “age of digital Revolution.” Memory is decisive when it comes to the making of our sense of self-identity, because by recalling the past it allows us to confirm who we are from an individual and social point of view. However, this requires us to start to wonder again about the concept and the role of experience in the education of the contemporary human being.


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How to Cite

Nanni, S. (2012). The heritage of tradition and memory as a way to discover and promote aggregation between different generations: Autobiographical sources. Formazione & Insegnamento, 10(3), 71–78.