The voice of the image: Theoretical considerations and practical experiences in the use of photography as analytical and practical tool in research and education
Formative research, Visual Data, Phenomenological Pedagogical Science, PhotovoiceAbstract
This contribution explores a practice of educational research, the use of visual data, as a strategy for researching and reflecting on one’s own ways of perception and analysis of educational experiences. The use of images, as in the practice of photovoice, combined with descriptive captions and group discussions is a valuable tool for developing a reflective and open gaze and a pedagogical stance of a responsible educator-researcher in documenting and analysing educational experiences. Within educational research, visual data provide access to a participatory and active dimension and, accompanied by photo captions and discussions, enable theory and practice to be held together and the relationship between context, subjects and readers to be addressed, recognising the self-educational and awareness-raising effect for those who collect and write the data.
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