Mentoring as a Supporting Strategy for Faculty Development: A Training and Research Experience
Mentoring, Faculty development, Faculty mentoring, Formazione docenti, Università.Abstract
In this contribution, the important role of mentoring within Faculty Development practices for the qualification of university teachers is explored. A brief reflection on national and international policies for university teacher training is initially proposed, with a special focus on faculty mentoring practices. These premises are essential for deepening the literature on the topics of interest and are preparatory for the presentation of a peer faculty mentoring experience, proposed at the Politecnico of Torino. The formative path, called Mentoring Polito Project (M2P), is part of a more complex three-year teaching training project, supported and financed by the University, and it is recognised as an important resource to support the professional qualification of teaching staff. Results about the first edition of M2P are presented here by focusing on the assessment of the training activities and on the experience as a whole, measured through quantitative and qualitative tools.
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