'Was it true fame?' The Third Mission of Italian Universities between Opportunities and Contradictions: An analysis of the VQR-TM 2015-2019 Report





University, Third Mission, ANVUR Report, Evaluation, Territory


In recent decades, the role of universities has changed and expanded considerably. Alongside teaching and research, higher education institutions have acquired greater importance in the economic, social, and cultural development processes of the context in which they operate. The third mission’s (TM) activities and policies aim to establish a relationship between universities and territories. Although such a relationship has significantly contributed to increasing citizens’ knowledge in various fields of knowledge, to date, it has not led to a widespread improvement in the well-being of communities. After examining the intersections and implications that are generated between TM and universities, the contribution points to understanding where the social responsibility of Italian universities stands by analyzing the lights and shadows of the Final Report of the Group of Experts of the Interdisciplinary Impact/Third Mission Evaluation related to ANVUR’s VQR 2015-2019.


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How to Cite

Calvano, G. (2022). ’Was it true fame?’ The Third Mission of Italian Universities between Opportunities and Contradictions: An analysis of the VQR-TM 2015-2019 Report. Formazione & Insegnamento, 20(3), 357–371. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XX-03-22_26



Higher Education