Lesson planning: from the Feuerstein Method to the Curricular Lesson
Feuerstein method, Mediated Learning, Lesson planning, Metacognition, TeachingAbstract
This contribution shows a possible application of the Feuerstein methods in curricular teaching. In schools, there is a growing interest in the development of students’ propensity to learn, and results of evidence-based studies show that interactive approaches and conscious organization of the contents are key features of an effective lesson. A significant example of a dialogical modality of interaction and application of lesson planning is Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment. The lesson planning, which is not popular in Italy, can be a chance for the teacher to develop a better awareness of the learning process in the classroom. Moreover, this contribution argues that the phases of the lesson as Feuerstein conceived decades ago are confirmed by the recent evidence-based research, thus showing how the enhancement of thinking is related not only to the curricular activities and contents, but also to the learning path designed wilfully by the teacher. Such path is articulated in phases, has explicit objectives, and is flexible and highly dialogical.
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