Quality and Validity of Qualitative Research in Education: Some Reflections from a Case Study





Educational research, Qualitative research methodology, Quality, Validity, Teacher training


This paper aims to provide some theoretical reflections and methodological and operational proposals about the processes that ensure quality and validity of qualitative research in education. This evaluation processes on the research constitutes a basis for strengthening the co-belonging of all people engaged in the research. The evaluation of quality and validity of qualitative research in education is an opportunity for these people to increase both an eco-systemic training and co-belonging within models and procedures aimed at promoting shared awareness and decision-making on what the research produced, how it was carried out and how to improve its processes and results. The issues related to the quality and validity of qualitative research in education have preliminarily guided the development of this work both through a theoretical and methodological review of these frameworks and through their operationalization and application in a specific case study. 



How to Cite

Patera , S. . (2022). Quality and Validity of Qualitative Research in Education: Some Reflections from a Case Study. Formazione & Insegnamento, 20(1 Tome I), 297–311. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XX-01-22_28