Teenagers through complexiticy training


  • Carolina M. Scaglioso




The psycopathologies nature growing among teenagers leads us to hypotise that their digital almightiness is unable to shield them from frialty and sufference. This latter sufference is not due to the technostructure teens moove within, more or less swiftly, sharing same needs and frustrations, as it could be pointed out. New technologies are no doubt a powerfull boosting factor, yet they are not the cause of cognitive or exhistential voids. Voids that can be better framed within a social structure and an educational system unable to support and give purposes. Hence two main issues: first of all the need for a training answering needs that have always characterized human learning path, and the one of adolescents in particular (needs that nowadays teenagers do not fail to express even in the exasperation of psychopathology). Secondly the unwavering need for a change of direction in the school system (which is currently squeezed between marketing logics and calls for restoration), so to potray the reality and to move in a world once again owner of the complexity that belongs to it now more than ever. Three main points: to acknowledge the need of a subjects’ interconnection and communication among the educational system; recognize actual and equal dignity to all languages; accept the thoughtfulness of the body.



How to Cite

Scaglioso, C. M. (2020). Teenagers through complexiticy training. Formazione & Insegnamento, 18(1 Tome I), 191–199. https://doi.org/10.7346/-fei-XVIII-01-20_17