The Achille Ricci Institute: from “Boarding school for frail children and war orphans”to a “University College School”. From educational innovation to an idea of school


  • Stefano Pasta



This paper is divided into three parts. The first two reconstruct a hundred years of history of Achille Ricci, a small school. The account follows two lines of development: a more historical one, and another one focused on didactic experimentation and innovation. The latter deals with a systematic approach based on transversal processes and contributions with an interdisciplinary nature. The third part of this paper id dedicated to a practice whose outcome is that of “rethinking in continuity” the idea of school, in connection with its roots.



How to Cite

Pasta, S. (2020). The Achille Ricci Institute: from “Boarding school for frail children and war orphans”to a “University College School”. From educational innovation to an idea of school. Formazione & Insegnamento, 18(1 Special Issue), 166–172.