Dimensions of operating and thinking beyond digital


  • Maria-Chiara Michelini Pensa MultiMedia Editore


The contribution discusses the theme of reflective thinking and training in it, with reference to the changes resulting from the digital revolution, which also significantly mark the mental dimension of work. In this context, assuming the pedagogical responsibility in this regard, he proposes the hypothesis of a Community of Thought as a structure aimed at interpreting the intentional character and the community dimension necessary for reflection of a higher degree. This reflection, investing the premises that underlie the action, in order to extract the intelligent element from our experience, according to the Deweyan expression, in a transformative perspective (Mezirow), requires, among its conditions, that attributable to the deliberate community dimension of thought. Arguing, with reference to the existing literature on the subject, the difficulty and the rarity of the ability to reach the profound reorganization of ideas and character, the contribution develops the idea of the need for a reflective system that involves not only the individual, but that call in an active cause the community assumed to reference. The intentional creation of an environment of collective thought is proposed, therefore, as a space for research and development of the forms that articulate and allow reflection at a higher level, which today appears fundamental also in reference to the current scenarios and the new challenges of the work.



How to Cite

Michelini, M.-C. (2019). Dimensions of operating and thinking beyond digital. Formazione & Insegnamento, 17(1), 139–148. Retrieved from https://ojs.pensamultimedia.it/index.php/siref/article/view/3419