New technological contexts and new capabilities in the inclusive perspective


  • Paola Damiani Pensa MultiMedia Editore


In the current scenario, culture, policy and educational practices - formal, not formal and informal, are interacting more and more through continuous adjustments and updatings. Such structural complexity involves both great opportunities and great critical iusses. Among these, the growth of the educational poverty and the worsening inequalities, in relation to the new technological contexts, they determine a new democratic and educational emergency to local and global level. Starting with the literature’s contribution on the benefits and risks of the use of technologies in the ‘on-off line’ boundaries, the purpose is to propose a study that shows the role of the educational emergency to local and global level. Starting with the literature’s contribution on the benefits and risks of the use of technologies in the ‘onoff line’ boundaries, the purpose is to propose a study that shows the role of the socio-emotional and metacognitive skills as protective and proactive factors for the personal and collective, inclusive co-development.



How to Cite

Damiani, P. (2019). New technological contexts and new capabilities in the inclusive perspective. Formazione & Insegnamento, 17(1 Suppl.), 313–320. Retrieved from