“Second generation” parents: “guidelines” for the training of intercultural parental mediation in the city


  • Margherita Cestaro


The present contribution intends to relate a two-year research project centered
on the “second generation” parents with the capability approach and
the promotion of talent. Actually, from the pedagogical, educational and
training point of view, the underlying intuition is to recognize in parenting
a talent that to be promoted and / or strengthened as a way of being and acting
as parent in the educational relationship with their adolescent children
within the current cities, called to accept the challenge of inclusion and social
cohesion in an intercultural perspective.



How to Cite

Cestaro, M. (2018). “Second generation” parents: “guidelines” for the training of intercultural parental mediation in the city. Formazione & Insegnamento, 16(2 Suppl.), 297–304. Retrieved from https://ojs.pensamultimedia.it/index.php/siref/article/view/3054