The methodogical skills of teachings between needs analysis and didactic action


  • Franco Bochicchio


The study explores the relationship between the needs analysis and didactic
action of teachers, through a complex approach to the training process,
which is easier to associate the object of study to the resolution of practical
problems. By connecting the two constructs is clear the identity matrix of
need, resulting also therefore enhances the pedagogical value of the needs
analysis, in the dual configuration: as know for to act, and as know to act in
the situation. From this second configuration, where the didactic action is
strongly drawn, recognizing the centrality to the needs of the students
means to characterize the didactic action in an inclusive direction, reinforcing
in the same direction the methodological skills of teachers in their initial
and in-service training.



How to Cite

Bochicchio, F. (2017). The methodogical skills of teachings between needs analysis and didactic action. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(3), 89–98. Retrieved from