The Net’s Discursive and Interactive Dynamics: a reflexion through the Grounded Theory


  • Evelina De Nardis


The objective of this article presents a reflection about a new pedagogy open to one or more substantive theories concerning the discursive dynamics of acting through the network. From a didactic point of view, the network can represent a metaphor useful to identify the actual scenarios of pedagogy outlined by new communication and information technologies.
The introduction of new technologies has aroused changes on the development of sophisticated intelligent systems on the way of interacting and communicating with a consequent shift on the role of users who become active participants while they are interacting on line and on the modality of communicating. In fact, with the great development of information technologies the subjects experiment new modalities of multimodal communication.
This crucial turning point has determined a substantial changes of mind of epistemological paradigm of pedagogy realised in the study of new model of interpretation and innovative explicative linguistic codes.



How to Cite

De Nardis, E. (2014). The Net’s Discursive and Interactive Dynamics: a reflexion through the Grounded Theory. Formazione & Insegnamento, 9(2), 151–158. Retrieved from