Activity Theory and Digital Storytelling as tools for the development of professional skills in higher education


  • Cinzia Ferranti
  • Corrado Petrucco



activity theory; digital storytelling; professional skills; community of practice; higher education.


The exploratory research describes a teaching experience in a Course in Educational Sciences where, in order to stimulate reflection on students' future professional skills, a method involving the use of Activity Theory and Digital Storytelling was experimented. Following the narration of professionale real-life episodes (storytelling), the problem-solving methods adopted by a Community of Practice were analysed through the Activity Theory Model. Subsequently, the analysis were used for the creation of Digital Storytelling while also highlighting the emotional aspects related to the problem solving processes adopted by the Community of Practice. This balancing act between "reason" and "emotion" has stimulated students to objectively recognize the possible best professional practices in systemic critical situations in educational and social contexts. We report some results that emerged from the qualitative-quantitative survey that involved the students at the end of the activities.


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How to Cite

Ferranti , C. ., & Petrucco , C. . (2021). Activity Theory and Digital Storytelling as tools for the development of professional skills in higher education . ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (26), 118–128.



