Young people and political commitment. The commitment choices of students leaving upper secondary school commented by first-year university students


  • Pietro Lucisano
  • Emiliane Rubat du Merac
  • Valeria Bruno



youth, politics, values, research-based teaching, teens'voice


The article presents part of the results of the Teens’ voice 2019-2020 survey and, in particular, the analysis of the answers to an open-ended question on the issues for which students leaving upper secondary school declare themselves available for a political commitment. The sample consists of 753 students who were interviewed during the Saloni Campus Orienta in eight Italian cities. The research shows how young people declare that they want to commit themselves to issues of great social value and that they therefore are open to a political commitment linked to the values of the environment and solidarity. This testifies that the young people leaving secondary school have internalized the values of the Constitution. The authors consider this work the demonstration that it is possible to do research even with first-year students and therefore propose an active approach to teaching at the university level.


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How to Cite

Lucisano, P., Rubat du Merac, E. ., & Bruno, V. (2020). Young people and political commitment. The commitment choices of students leaving upper secondary school commented by first-year university students. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (25), 89–103.




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