How children’s books can help parents understand their children


  • Meni Kanatsouli Pensa MultiMedia Editore


Children between the ages of four and six are overcome by strong emotions which can stem from feelings of insecurity, fear and inadequacy as they struggle to understand and become a part of the world that surrounds them. Children’s stories can be a valuable tool in helping parents and guardians understand and decode children’s behavior. Because children can not yet verbally express themselves adults must be able to decode their ways of communicating. Children’s books with children as protagonists can offer valuable insight to the inner world of children as well as entertainment to both children and adults alike. These stories are intergenerational.
They not only help small listeners discover role models but also provide literary enjoyment to adults.




Como Citar

Kanatsouli, M. (2014). How children’s books can help parents understand their children. Formazione & Insegnamento, 12(2), 133–142. Recuperado de