Sport for the health and well being of school age: from the data collected, some pedagogical considerations


  • Antonio Di Maglie


Several research studies have confirmed that, in industrialized countries,
the number of people who exercise has more and more decreased and this
tendency is present also in the new generations causing serious damage to
the health. The progress of society has brought considerable benefits, but
on the other hand, it has made a part of society increasingly lazier and more
inactive, sometimes leading to hypokinesia too. Undoubtedly, the exercise
and sport pedagogy as well as the pedagogy of health education find it difficult
to be included into the systems of mass social education. Moreover, it
is not easy for them to have a proper visibility to clarify fundamental aspects
of lifestyles and social health.



How to Cite

Di Maglie, A. (2017). Sport for the health and well being of school age: from the data collected, some pedagogical considerations. Formazione & Insegnamento, 15(2 Suppl.), 393–404. Retrieved from