The quality teacher between utopia and certainty


  • Danila Toma


The debate about the professional profile of a “quality” teacher is not a recent one: in 1996, the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) had already published a research about quality teaching. However, this issue has been granted relevance only over the very last years.
Reflecting on such a concept, then, becomes an interesting – if not compulsory – action. Firstly, it requires us a definition of who is a “quality teacher”; secondly, to state the aspects that characterize such a profile.
By drawing and defining the deontological boundaries of her professional identikit, we could single out its specific competences, which therefore become a goal to aim at. This is accomplished through a high-level and demanding formative path, which is necessary if we want to pursue meaningful educational projects aiming at the self-fulfilment of every student.



How to Cite

Toma, D. (2014). The quality teacher between utopia and certainty. Formazione & Insegnamento, 9(3 Suppl.), 117–124. Retrieved from