'La Marinera' and its alternative pedagogy
Marinera, Dance, Pedagogy, MigrationsAbstract
La Marinera is the national dance of Peru whose diffusion intensifies since 1960, simultaneously with the massive migrations of the country and with the technological and digital revolutions; a system of contests, organized on weekends, represents the quality control and a privileged area of socialisation. The number of couples participating in the competition increases by 2% per year, which is more than the vegetative growth rate. The training processes come from marginal social proposals to the institutionality of the State whose characteristics are particular, heterogeneous, creative and intuitive; it is a subject that has been little investigated despite its social and cultural protagonism in Peru, so, this article is fundamentally ethnographic with information obtained in several years of participating research in which we have assumed all possible roles envisaged in the community of practice for a male, heterosexual with professional studies in anthropology.
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