The Impact of Sports Practice on Anxiety and Panic Attack Management: Analysis of Gender Differences
Sport, Wellbeing, Boys and girls, Anxiety, Panic attacksAbstract
Sports practice represents a tool of central importance for promoting physical, psychological, social, and cognitive health. Physical activity is recommended to improve and manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and psychological distress. This study aims to explore the health and well-being status of boys and girls, examining the relationship between health and sports practice. In particular, we aim to investigate whether there are differences between boys and girls who play sports and those who do not engage in sports, in experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, and in using anxiolytics, tranquilizers and sleeping pills, considering possible gender differences. The instrument used is an online questionnaire (Google Forms) administered to university students (N=678). Responses to the questionnaire were expressed in frequencies (N) and percentages (%). For analyses regarding the relationships between variables, the Chi-Square test was used. Results show that the majority of girls (73.7%) and boys (77.5%) who experienced anxiety and panic attacks in the past year do not attend sports groups. Conversely, girls and boys who engage in sports activities report fewer symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks in the past year. In conclusion, promoting physical activity and increasing awareness of the benefits of sports practice for health is crucial.
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