Flipped learning and university teaching experimentation: A mixed method exploration of online learning environment and peer interaction
Flipped classroom, Flipped learning, Critical episodes, Mixed method, E-learningAbstract
In the context of an international Erasmus+ research project on transversal skills and educational technologies, the contribution addresses the innovation in university teaching through the experimentation of a flipped-mode course by investigating some peculiar elements of the pilot module conducted in the last two years at University of Catania. Through a mixed-method approach, the contribution analyses the results obtained from the administration of quantitative instruments, aimed at assessing the experience of students on the e-learning platform used, and qualitative narrative instruments, specifically developed with the purpose of making explicit any critical episodes that occurred during the course. The investigation aims to relate the students’ experience to aspects of motivation and interaction with the digital environment for individual learning and with the mates within the work groups.
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