Itineraries and narrative dimensions in pre-school and primary school: analysis of functions, risks and educational abuses


  • Loredana Paradiso



The article analyses the phenomenon of self-narration, taking a multi-perspective view of the epistemic principles that support it on a philosophicalpedagogical level, identifying relationships and continuity with care. Narrative is analysed as a primary ontological phenomenon that accompanies the transformation of being and the development of the life of the mind in the different socio-educational contexts of family, school and society. Narrative is regarded as a relational and educational process that underpins social life at school and requires pedagogical and educational planning. At the end, attention is focused on the directing role of the teacher-educator in order to analyse practices that promote and those, on the other hand, that prevent the child from expressing him/herself to the point of experiences of educational abuse.



How to Cite

Paradiso, L. . (2021). Itineraries and narrative dimensions in pre-school and primary school: analysis of functions, risks and educational abuses. Formazione & Insegnamento, 19(3), 161–169.