Life Skills and promotion of wellbeing in Italy and in Romania: models of intervention in comparison


  • Mirela Tingire


Scientific findings reveal that the lifestyles adopted by people influence their health leading, over time, to some of the major causes of death that affect our society. These behaviors, often gained at a young age, include the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, an unhealthy diet, improper physical activity
and sexual behaviors. In this scenario, the need to develop and promote new skills able to equip the younger generation in order to better face the special situations of life, emerges. The Unesco Education for All. Global Monitoring Report1 reiterated the importance of “ensuring that the learning needs
of all children and adults are met through a fair access to appropriate learning and life skills development programmes”. The document Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development expressed the need to “ensure the health and wellbeing for all and for all ages” and to “provide quality education, fair and inclusive growth and learning opportunity for all”. However, the most common approach used for many years to prevent drug use among children, was based on information,
intimidation and fear. The assessment of these strategies has proved to be ineffective. Furthermore, it lacked of scientific evidences to prove its effectiveness. It is, therefore, necessary to find strategies suitable for promoting the life skills need to change risky behaviors. The research investigates
the ways in which the models based on the development of life skills are adapted and employed in school settings in Lombardy and Romania; explores the use of some programs deemed especially significant, to bring out particularity, differences, challenges and potential. The programs are: LifeSkills
Training Program and Unplugged for the Italian context and “The National program of health education” and “Necenzurat” for the Romanian context.



How to Cite

Tingire, M. (2017). Life Skills and promotion of wellbeing in Italy and in Romania: models of intervention in comparison. Formazione & Insegnamento, 15(2 Suppl.), 277–286. Retrieved from