Vol. 20, Issue 3 is available on-line!


Dear Author and Collaborators,

We are pleased to inform you that volume 20, issue 3, is now available on-ine. The address is:


Please wait some days for DOIs to be activated at CrossRef. Anyway, feel free to cite all articles with their respective DOIs.

Now that English is the primary language for all our editorial operations, when indexing an article, priority is always given to English language. Thus, we invite you all to cite F&I's articles as follows:

Surname, N. (year). Title in English. Formazione & insegnamentoXX(Y), ppp-zzz. https://doi.org/doi-of-the-article

Of course, you shall adapt the above format to the citation style required by the editors you work with.

We would also like to invite you to advertise your articles as much as you can on all platforms, archives (institutional or not), and repositories. The more the websites you relate to, the higher the chance of being cited. For further information, see our archiving policy.

The success of this journal is not just a consequence of the praiseworthy quality of your contribution, but also of the dissemination of papers, as well as citations in well-indexed journals.

Again, congratulations to all those who made this Twentieth Anniversary possible!

The Editorial Team