Design for evidence-based improvement. What methodology?




Learning improvement; Didactics, Evidence-based education; Design research; Primary school.


The main aspiration of educational research has always included being able to improve achievement on a large scale through effective and sustainable approaches. However, history shows how this goal remained largely unattainable and, in more recent times, widely and intentionally abandoned.This work presents an orientation towards educational planning which tries to demonstrate how new opportunities exist today to overcome this gap integrating the experimental tradition with the capitalization of evidence-based knowledge allowed by the support of network technologies. In support of this, it describes an example relating to the development of reading comprehensions in primary schools to show how educational research should proceed in this new direction.


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How to Cite

Calvani, A., & Marzano, A. (2020). Design for evidence-based improvement. What methodology?. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (24), 67–83.




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