In presence or at a distance? Some principles and practices for effective teaching*


  • Marta De Angelis Pensamultimedia
  • Mariagrazia Santonicola
  • Carole Montefusco



Distance learning implemented during the health emergency has imposed an overall reorganization of schools opening again the debate on the role of learning technologies. Starting for these premises, the purpose of this paper is to offer some theoretical-practical reflections to plan effectively the restarting of educational activities after the pandemic, starting with the renewed role that technologies will have to assume within this changed scenario. After a review on the main aspects that characterize expert and effective teachers based on the studies offered by Evidence based education, ideas for action and reflection are provided for an efficient integration between teaching methodologies, evaluation processes and learning technologies. The results of our analysis suggest the need to provide a flexible and dynamic teacher training model, based on empirical evidences, that allows them to adapt to increasingly varied communication situations and learning contexts.



How to Cite

De Angelis, M. ., Santonicola, M. ., & Montefusco, C. . (2020). In presence or at a distance? Some principles and practices for effective teaching*. Formazione & Insegnamento, 18(3), 67–78.