Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia has been the official journal of the Italian Society of Criminology, since 1970(https://www.criminologiaitaliana.it/). It was founded by Professor Giacomo Canepa and represents one of the oldest and most qualified scientific journals on criminological themes in Italy.

Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia is an open-access multidisciplinary journal and publishes research results on clinical criminology, forensic psychology and psychiatry of adulthood, childhood and adolescents, treatment of offenders and crime victims, pathological addiction related to deviant and antisocial behavior, as well as sociology of deviance. The RIC has been indexed on SCOPUS since 2013. ANVUR (National Evaluation agency of the University system and research) has included the RIC among the class A Journals for area 12 (legal sciences, 12/G1) and for area 14 (political and social sciences, 14/C3). Currently the Italian Review of Criminology publishes quarterly and accepts articles in English and Italian.

Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia Editorial board includes national and international academic and clinical experts of criminology. The journal has a specific interest in the penitentiary world, with reference to aspects of treatment and real-world local experiences.

Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia publishes original articles, all contributions are subjected to a double-blind peer-review, based on an initial selection made by the Editor. The following type of articles are accepted: review, general article; research article; clinical case. It is also possible to submit a letter to the director. Please refer to the guidelines for the author section before submitting an article.

Registered at no. 522 in Court of Milan

Format: Print and Electronic version
ISSN: (online) 2240-8053
ISSN: (Printed) 1121-1717
Frequency: 4 issues for year
Start year: 1970
Content type: Academic/Scholarly
Language: Italian and English

Current Issue

No. 4 (2023)
					View No. 4 (2023)
Published: 2023-12-30

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