Espressione corporea e pensiero creativo: un’esperienza in una classe secondaria primaria


  • Paola Gnata Università degli Studi di Padova / Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata
  • Emilia Restiglian Università degli Studi di Padova / Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata
  • Andrea Dal Bianco Università degli Studi di Padova / Dipartimento Territorio e Sistemi Agro‐Forestali
  • Silvia Azzolin Università degli Studi di Padova / Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata


Parole chiave:

Creatività, Pensiero creativo, Espressione corporea, Movimento creativo, Danza


Numerosi documenti europei (Commissione Europea, 2018; EACEA P9 Eurydice, 2009; OCSE, 2019) sottolineano l'importanza di guidare i bambini ad impegnarsi in ambiti espressivi, motori e artistici e ribadiscono la necessità di promuovere l'educazione all'espressione artistico‐motoria nel contesto scolastico come elemento attraverso cui stimolare il pensiero divergente e la creatività in senso generale. Una ricerca‐intervento esplorativa in una classe seconda della scuola primaria ha inteso proporre esperienze di movimento creativo, espressione corporea e improvvisazione attraverso le quali guidare il bambino alla libertà di espressione del Sé creativo per comprendere la possibile relazione tra movimento (come danza) e creatività (Bournelli & Mountakis, 2008; Pürgstaller & Neuber, 2019), in particolare nella correlazione tra agito creativo e pensiero creativo e nel favorire il potenziamento di alcuni degli otto fattori della creatività per migliorare il livello di benessere scolastico e la fiducia nei compagni. In bambini e bambine sono emersi evidenti incrementi nel pensiero divergente (+18,39%) e nella creatività (+8,59%), soprattutto per quanto riguarda la flessibilità, l'elaborazione e i titoli, oltre a un miglioramento del benessere scolastico e
della fiducia nei confronti dei coetanei.

Biografia autore

Emilia Restiglian, Università degli Studi di Padova / Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata

Associate Professor in Education (M-PED/04) since 2017.
My current research interests relate Quality of ECEC and school, School effectiveness and improvement, and Integrated system 0-6 years old.
I teach Quality organization and Evaluation (Italian), Models and Tools for School Assessment (Italian), and ECEC and school evaluation for quality education (English).
I’m trying to deepen the facets of the school system, keeping together the topic of assessment and evaluation with the methodologies, the preservice and in-service teachers’ training, the quality models, and the homeschooling phenomena.
In the last five years, I have investigated ECEC and the ongoing building of an integrated system for children from 0 to 6 years old. I visited nurseries and kindergartens abroad (Berlin, Aachen, Vilnius) and am participating in two work groups about “pedagogical territorial coordination” in Padova and Rovigo. I am part of the Nursery and Childhood National Group Committee (GNNI), and I have the opportunity to meet many nursery educators and kindergarten teachers all over the country and colleagues from other Universities.
I am a member of the Ph.D. Program in Pedagogical and Education Sciences (SPEF) and Responsible for International Mobility at the Primary Education Degree. I am a referee for some national and international Academic Journals. Already an Academic visitor in Germany, Spain, England, and Romania, she is a member of some scientific societies: Italian Pedagogical Society (SIPED), Italian Educational Research Society (SIRD), European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).
Teacher Education representative for Unipd in the project (2020-21) Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe – Phase 2 (CALOHE2), TUNING Academy – Univ. Groeningen, NL.
I collaborated on the research project “Evaluating the Impact of the Infant Toddler Centers and Preschools on Children: The Reggio Approach” (James J. Heckman, University of Chicago) for the city of Padova (September-November 2016, and was a member of the Padova Unit of “GenderTime (Transferring, Implementing, Monitoring, Equality) funded by FP7 Science in Society (2013-2016).
I was formerly focused on digital narrative documentation and design and assessment in nurseries (2010-2018).
2010-2017: Researcher in Education (M-PED/04).
2000-2010: music teacher in the lower secondary school with workshop experiences in kindergarten and primary schools. I focused for a short period on music history education and the relationship between cinema and music education. Now I sing in some choirs as alt.
Master’s Degree in Education Sciences (2001), and PhD in Pedagogical and Education Sciences (2007) at the University of Padova with the thesis: I laboratori nei corsi di laurea finalizzati alle professioni educative e formative. Qualification degree in special needs education, secondary school (University of Venice, 2008). Degree in Piano (1994) and Music Education (1996).




Come citare

Gnata, P., Restiglian, E., Dal Bianco, A., & Azzolin, S. (2024). Espressione corporea e pensiero creativo: un’esperienza in una classe secondaria primaria. GIORNALE ITALIANO DELLA RICERCA EDUCATIVA, (33), 270–284.



