Automated feedback delivery: a structured model for computer-based adaptive testing


  • EMANUELA BOTTA Sapienza Università di Roma



Valutazione; Prove adattative; Feedback; Abilità in matematica; CBT;


This paper will present an integration of an adaptive model for the estimation of ability in mathematics implemented as part of a consortium research project of Sapienza University. In addition to recalling the characteristics of this type of test and the advantages it has over linear tests, such as the greater precision of the estimation for each student regardless of his or her ability level, an automatic feedback model connected to the test itself will be illustrated, as well as the results from the literature that shows how similar models are appreciated by students, in formative and summative assessment. The model is structured in accordance with the main research results on feedback and it could be an essential schools' tool for formative assessment, the detection of misconceptions or errors of individuals and groups of students. The use of adaptive models is connected to the focus on equity in the system.


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How to Cite

BOTTA, E. (2023). Automated feedback delivery: a structured model for computer-based adaptive testing . ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (30), 073–084.



