A third way of school evaluation, towards sustainable formative evaluation
Formative Evaluation, Selection, School System, Educational Policies, Evaluation MethodsAbstract
Among the most important theoretical and scientific acquisitions regarding the evaluation of learning there is the concept of formative evaluation. From 1967 to today it has attracted the attention of many scholars and researchers, has intercepted the sensitivity of actors in the educational and training field and has given rise to widespread evaluation practices among teachers; however, it does not seem to have generated a real revolution in school practice. The contribution develops the hypothesis that the school organization, while integrating various aspects of formative assessment, has nevertheless harnessed it in the selective cultural and social paradigm that informs it, thus weakening its innovative scope. The process of mass schooling actually implied the transposition within the school system of a social selection hitherto external to school: the selection took place before embarking on the school path and the social destiny of an individual was determined by the conditions of birth, decisive on whether or not receiving school trainig. Mass access to school allows everyone to be educated but in reality selection does not fail but is reproduced within the school organization by integrating into its processes. In the light of the analysis developed, the contribution indicates the conditions of possibility of a "third way" of school evaluation, meaning by this not a precarious and opaque compromise between conflicting evaluation tasks but an area of virtuous balance within which to move.
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