Construction, factor structure and reliability of an instrument to investigate teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of digital technologies in teaching
Information and Communication Technology, Educational Technology, Technology Acceptance Model, In-service teachers, Scale developmentAbstract
The paper presents the process of constructing and examining the factor structure and reliability of an instrument (“TECNOINS”) to investigate in-service teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of digital technologies in teaching. The exploration of the factor structure - in a sample of 165 primary and secondary school teachers - yielded three factors corresponding to the three theoretical constructs considered within the Technology Acceptance Model: attitude, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In addition, each factor demonstrated reliability estimates in the acceptable to good range of internal consistency and showed adherence to the theoretical constructs. Although some psychometric characteristics remain to be assessed, the instrument “TECNOINS” can represent a valuable research tool for monitoring and evaluating initial and continuous teacher education and training, Action-Research or Training-Research, as well as teaching-technological innovation practices in the school context.
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