Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development in Italy: an analysis of the results of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)
continuous professional development, TALIS, in-service teacher training, teacher education, lifelong learningAbstract
The role of teachers is recognised as crucial to the quality of education and student learning. Ensuring and improving the quality of their professionalism is therefore essential. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is critical to achieving this goal. This paper explores the CPD in Italy by analysing the results of the latest Teaching And Learning International Survey (TALIS) conducted by the OECD in 2018. After highlight- ing the relevance that CPD assumes in the Italian context, the paper examines the survey results and compares them with European and OECD countries. The contribution analyses participation rates, types of activities, content, and areas for which teachers express the greatest need for development. The paper also explores the impact of CPD, characteristics of the most effective activities, factors perceived as barriers to participation, and support measures received by teachers. Finally, it discusses the findings that emerged and outlines possible perspectives that can guide and improve policies related to CPD and the choices of those who design and implement it.
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