Work demand characteristics and the valorization of university experience


  • Pietro Lucisano Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Andrea Marco De Luca
  • Astrid Favella Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes, Sapienza University of Rome



transition to work; precarity; degree outcomes


This study adopts an innovative concept of transition to the workplace, which envisages the non-linearity of paths by merging the economic sensitivity to job demand, to the pedagogical deweyan one according to which experiences are ‘educational’ if learning continuity is identifiable.

By so doing, the study analyses the continuity of transition to the workplace for graduates between 2008 and 2019 from the five universities of the Lazio region (Sapienza, Roma Tre, for a 12% of the reference population; Tuscia, LUISS, LUMSA), for a total of almost 350.000 graduates and beyond 1,3 million  job contracts. The analysis method adopted operates on a database, which has been the source of multiple studies of the UNI.CO work group, given by the integration of a first one by Sapienza concerning graduates’careers and a second one injecting data recorded by the Ministry of Employment.

Considering dependent or para-dependent contracts, the research only scrutinises “matched” (abbinati) graduates, namely those whose record testifies at least one job contract, studying their territorial distribution, its coherence with the degree title, and the quality of the experience.

The study proceeds to show two focuses: the first one on the typology of contracts held by the master degree graduates; the second one on the employment situation of Lazio graduates, originally living in the South of Italy.

Ultimately, the study critically offers a re-conceptualisation of the transition related terminology, overcoming notions of “typical contracts” and “degree outcomes”, by considering the complexity of these longitudinal phenomena.



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How to Cite

Lucisano, P., De Luca, A. M., & Favella, A. (2022). Work demand characteristics and the valorization of university experience . ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (29), 076–091.



