Costruzione e caratteristiche psicometriche di una scala per la misurazione degli atteggiamenti nei confronti del paesaggio



Parole chiave:

Educazione al paesaggio, Misura di atteggiamenti, Analisi Fattoriale Esplorativa, Analisi Fattoriale Confermativa


In questo articolo è stata presentata la procedura per la costruzione di uno strumento per la misurazione degli atteggiamenti nei confronti del paesaggio. Gli strumenti esistenti in letteratura, ancorché esigui e solo parzialmente centrati, hanno fornito spunti utili per la definizione del costrutto e l’elaborazione degli item. Lo strumento è stato somministrato in due tempi. Sulla base della prima somministrazione, che ha raggiunto 265 studenti universitari di Scienze della Formazione Primaria, è stata effettuata un'analisi fattoriale esplorativa che ha portato alla definizione di tre scale che misurano atteggiamenti nei confronti 1) del paesaggio rurale/naturale, 2) del paesaggio urbano, e 3) di una fruizione attiva del paesaggio. Sulla base della seconda somministrazione, che ha raggiunto 274 studenti universitari dello stesso corso, è stata effettuata un’analisi fattoriale confermativa sul modello delle tre scale, che ha ottenuto buoni indici di bontà di adattamento. In entrambe le somministrazioni le tre scale hanno ottenuto un’alfa di Cronbach compresa tra 0.75 e 0.85. Dunque, lo strumento può essere utile a future ricerche mirate alla verifica dell’efficacia di interventi formativi per futuri insegnanti sull’educazione al territorio e al paesaggio. Poiché lo strumento non è standardizzato ed è stato costruito solo per futuri insegnanti, ricerche future potrebbero standardizzarlo somministrandolo a un campione rappresentativo di cittadini adulti (non solo futuri insegnanti). Inoltre, si potrebbe sviluppare una versione per bambini, utile alla verifica dell'efficacia di interventi di educazione al territorio e al paesaggio realizzati nella scuola primaria.

Biografie autore

Stefano Scippo, Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature, and Psychology, University of Florence

He works as a fixed-term researcher (RTDA) at the University of Florence, in the field of special education and pedagogy. He earned a Ph.D. in Psychology of Social Processes, Development, and Educational Research from Sapienza – University of Rome. Previously, he worked as a Montessori primary school teacher and as a trainer in the following areas: support specialization, Civil Service, financial education, and entrepreneurship. His research interests focus on general education, Montessori differentiated teaching, special pedagogy and teaching, research methodology in educational settings, and assessment methods.

Damiana Luzzi, Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology, University of Florence

She is a research fellow specializing in immersive educational technologies at the Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature, and Psychology (FORLILPSI) at the University of Florence. For the past two years, she has also been a adjunct professor of Computer Science and Digital Humanities at the University of the Republic of San Marino. Her current research interests focus on the emerging field of educational technologies 4.0, exploring the application of digital technologies in university and corporate training. In particular, she is involved in Extended Reality technologies (such as augmented reality, mixed reality, 360° video, and metaverse), Artificial Intelligence, and digital health and medicine (Digital Health).

Stefano Cuomo, Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology, University of Florence

He is graduated with honors in Electronic Engineering from the University of Florence, he obtained professional accreditation and later earned a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering. Currently, he is a fixed-term researcher (RTD-A) at the Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature, and Psychology at the University of Florence. He has gained extensive experience as a Project Manager and Coordinator in numerous research projects funded both by the European Commission and national funds. Since 2013, he has been consistently collaborating in supporting the coordination of research projects with the Education Technologies Laboratory, where he has developed research interests primarily in the field of educational technologies 4.0, with a specific focus on eXtended Reality and Artificial Intelligence.

Maria Ranieri, Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology, University of Florence

She is a Full Professor of General Teaching and Special Pedagogy at the Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literatures and Psychology (FORLILPSI) at the University of Florence. She is also the Director of the Educational Technologies Laboratory. Her research focuses on technologies, media, and educational processes, with a particular emphasis on media literacy education and educational technologies. She serves as the co-director of the North American Journal of Media Literacy Education and Media Education: Research, Studies, and Good Practices (Category A). Additionally, she holds the position of Vice-President of the Italian Association of Media Education (MED) and is a member of the Board of Directors of SIREM. Since 2017, she has been directing the Master’s program in New Digital Skills: Open Education, Social and Mobile Learning. Maria Ranieri is part of the international research group, London Mobile Learning Group.




Come citare

Scippo, S., Luzzi, D., Cuomo, S., & Ranieri, M. (2024). Costruzione e caratteristiche psicometriche di una scala per la misurazione degli atteggiamenti nei confronti del paesaggio. GIORNALE ITALIANO DELLA RICERCA EDUCATIVA, (33), 195–204.



