Evaluation as an improvement agent. The monitoring of the Scuolinsieme Project


  • Giorgio Chiosso
  • Roberto Trinchero
  • Federico Zamengo
  • Davide Della Rina
  • Giulia Piantadosi
  • Alessio Tomassone
  • Vittoria Valvassori




school self-assessment, monitoring schools project, schools improvement, responsive evaluation


What is the impact that funded projects can have on school organization and student outcomes? How can it be monitored? Does monitoring detect impacts or is it itself a source of impact? It is possible to provide teachers with methodologies and tools capable of increasing their self-assessment possibilities? The article intends to provide some answers to these questions, describing - in a nutshell - the monitoring of the Scuolinsieme project, a set of interventions financed by the Fondazione per la Scuola della Compagnia di San Paolo, applied in 34 lower secondary schools from 2017 to 2020. Starting from a brief description of the interventions and of the system of indicators used, a monitoring strategy is presented. This strategy not only aims to detect the effects of the interventions themselves but intends to impact them, in concert with the planning and training actions. The first results highlight a positive effect of the intervention on the practices implemented by teachers and in their awareness of being the main agents of school improve- ment. This is possible if the teachers are appropriately supported by external experts who help to bring out the potential present in the school.


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How to Cite

Chiosso, G., Trinchero, R., Zamengo, F., Della Rina, D., Piantadosi, G., Tomassone, A., & Valvassori, V. (2021). Evaluation as an improvement agent. The monitoring of the Scuolinsieme Project. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (27), 077–088. https://doi.org/10.7346/sird-022021-p77


